With over 20 years industry experience, The Appliance Merchant is ready to help when you find your fridge, freezer, washing machine, dryer, oven, dishwasher or air conditioner needs repair. Our licensed technician, Nathan, offers a professional, friendly & reliable appliance repair service in the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie local areas.
Whether you need your oven repaired or your air conditioner serviced, The Appliance Merchant will come to you.
A broken air conditioner can be a real hassle when the weather turns extreme. We rely on our air con on those hot summer days and frosty winter nights.
It’s important to know if your oven and stove are working correctly. With 20 years experience, we will find and fix the problem quickly for you.
For many households, the cooktop, whether gas or electric, gets used daily. So when it breaks, The Appliance Merchant can fix it for you.
A broken fridge or freezer is a time sensitive issue. The Appliance Merchant will find the cause of your fridge or freezer problems and repair it in no time!
We specialise is repairs to Electrolux, Westinghouse, Chef, LG, Samsung, Fisher & Paykel, Kelvinator, Hoover, AEG, Dishlex, Simpson, & more!
The Appliance Merchant will come to you when your household appliance breaks down. Our van is equipped, carrying spare parts for the most popular brands, providing a mobile appliance repair service to the following areas:
Adamstown Adamstown Heights Bar Beach Birmingham Gardens Black Hill Broadmeadow Callaghan (University) Carrington Cooks Hill Elermore Vale Fletcher Georgetown Hamilton Hamilton East Hamilton North Hamilton South | Hexham The Hill Islington Jesmond The Junction Kotara Lambton Maryland Maryville Mayfield Mayfield East Mayfield West Merewether Merewether Heights Minmi New Lambton | New Lambton Heights Newcastle Newcastle East Newcastle West North Lambton Rankin Park Sandgate Shortland Tighes Hill Wallsend Warabrook Waratah Waratah West Wickham |
Argenton Barnsley Belmont Belmont North Belmont South Bennetts Green Boolaroo Cameron Park Cardiff Cardiff Heights Cardiff South Charlestown Croudace Bay Dudley | Edgeworth Eleebana Garden Suburb Gateshead Glendale Highfields Hillsborough Holmesville Jewells Kahibah Kotara South Lakelands Macquarie Hills | Mount Hutton Pelican Redhead Seahampton Speers Point Teralba Tingira Heights Valentine Warners Bay West Wallsend Whitebridge Windale |
When you call The Appliance Merchant you will deal directly with our licensed service technician Nathan so you can discuss the issue with him.
Call Nathan now on 0420 941 221.
Alternatively, complete the below enquiry form to provide The Appliance Merchant with your relevant details & Nathan will be in touch to organise an appointment.